Grand Hotel Lviv and shopping centre
Verwaltungsgebäude IKK, Saarbrücken
Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum (VCL), The Hague
Extension Metis Montessori Lyceum, Amsterdam
Development and renovation of Deventer Town Hall interior
Letovo HUB & Dorms, Moscow
Governor’s lyceum, Yekaterinburg
Primary+Secondary School Varshavskaya, Moskou
Lumion Amsterdam school interior
IJburg College 2, Amsterdam
Havo/VWO Carmel College Salland, Raalte
De Klinker Cultural Centre interior, Winschoten
Meander Medical Centre, Amersfoort
Nieuw Waterlandplein, Amsterdam
Interior Khoroshkola Primary School, Moscow
Letovo Educational Center, Moscow
Kindergarten Varshavskaya, Moscow
Comprehensive Transplant Centre, Cluj
Interior Letovo School Campus, Moscow
Liseo Boneriano, School community Bonaire
Scheldehof residential care centre interior, Vlissingen
Revitalisation Admiraal de Ruyterziekenhuis, Vlissingen
Redevelopment WTC The Hague
Child centre 03, The Hague
Carmel College Salland Interior, Raalte
Waterrijk Multifunctional Community School, Boskoop
Cultuurhuis De Klinker, Winschoten