IGVO International School of Delft

IGVO International School of Delft

IGVO International School of Delft

IGVO International School of Delft, Delft

Clear structure with a spacious central heart

IGVO is the International School Delft - Secondary and is located on the edge of the TU campus near the current International School Delft - Primary. Together, Primary and Secondary form an educational hub for the children of internationally oriented families in Delft and surroundings. It concerns IB education, International Baccalaureate. In line with the university's campus-like environment, the building has its own distinctive identity. It is an incubator for forward-looking learning, a learning environment that optimally supports and promotes the right balance between instruction and independent work.
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Municipality of Delft
Prins Bernhardlaan 6, Delft
4.855 m²
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In the search for an optimal building shape for the new building, the conviction quickly arose that the building is taking as much distance as possible from the future buildings of the TU next to the educational building. The triangular shape of the lot is emphasized by a compact, skew-shaped volume. This leaves space around the building to stay outside during breaks.

The learning environments are organized around an open, three-story space. This central space consists of two parts, the “Central Square” and the “Makerspace”, which are open. A grandstand staircase connects all floors. This creates a spacious central heart that gives the building a clear structure and zoning while at the same time meeting the appearance and needs of the International School Delft Secondary.

Atelier PRO architekten won the European selection for IGVO with a multidisciplinary and integrally working Design Team. In that team, OASE urban planning and landscape, HE advisors, ABT Delft, Kamphuis & Schaufeli and Pieters bouwtechniek worked together.

The building has exceptional environmental and sustainability performance: Fresh Schools Class B, BENG (Nearly Energy Neutral) and GPR (Municipal Practice Directive) = average ≥ 8.

De leeromgevingen zijn om een open, drie verdiepingen hoge ruimte georganiseerd. Deze centrale ruimte bestaat uit twee delen, de “Central Square” en de “Makerspace” die in open verbinding staan. Een tribunetrap verbindt alle verdiepingen met elkaar. Zo ontstaat een ruim centraal hart dat het gebouw een heldere structuur en zonering geeft en tegelijkertijd aansluit op de uitstraling en de behoefte van de International School Delft Secondary.

Atelier PRO architekten won met een multidisciplinair en integraal werkend Ontwerpteam de Europese selectie voor IGVO. In dat team werkte Oase-stedenbouw en landschap, HE adviseurs, ABT Delft , Kamphuis & Schaufeli en Pieters bouwtechniek samen.

Het gebouw heeft bijzonder milieu- en duurzaamheidsprestaties:Frisse Scholen Klasse B , BENG (Bijna Energie Neutraal) en GPR (gemeentelijke praktijkrichtlijn) = gemiddeld ≥ 8.

Municipality of Delft
Prins Bernhardlaan 6, Delft
4.855 m²
Project status
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