On the side of the Energieweg, the Graafschap College is covered in green, and the auditorium and the block with restaurant and gym cross this embankment. On the residential side, the school consists of several so-called “shop windows”, which make student businesses, such as a restaurant, kitchen, bakery and hair salon, clearly visible. This is also where the main entrance is located.
The ROC's mainly white interior has been supplemented with a limited number of color accents, which make the various functional areas recognizable. The two levels on the ground floor are linked by a long, connecting piece of furniture that includes the lockers. Lounge areas have been included in this furniture on the side of the auditorium and the patios, so that the connection zone also becomes the students' living area. Long benches and large seating elements were chosen for the auditorium instead of separately placed seats. As a result, the auditorium looks tidy and organized even after the breaks.
The school is organized along a continuous connecting zone, with the theory rooms on the side of the embankment, on the half-sunken parking basement. The apprentice companies are located on the side of the residential area. The connection zone creates relationships between the different levels and the patios through voids, which in turn bring light deep into the building.