Ezinge Education Park

Ezinge Education Park

Ezinge Education Park

Urban planning
Urban planning
Ezinge Education Park, Meppel

New style housing education cluster

In Meppel, adjacent to the Ezinge residential area and integrated between the railway and numerous sports fields, Ezinge education park has been built. The bronze-coloured sprawling building, where 5 schools for more than 3,000 students have united, was designed by atelier PRO architects. The school is separated from the residential area via the new Dahlia Street, which also offers opportunities to end the residential area with a new row of houses.
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Woonconcept Onroerend Goed bv
Ezingerweg 51-85, Dahliastraat 2 en 4, Ambachtsweg 2, Meppel
30.062 m²
Project status
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The educational complex is oriented perpendicular to the railway, with the relatively narrow strip building spanning between Ambachtsweg and Ezingerweg. Because of this horizontal distribution, which also varies subtly in height, the mass is visually divided into smaller volumes. As a result, the building anticipates the smaller scale of the neighboring residential area. The integrated crowd has one height accent: the heart of Ezinge, which serves as a billboard for the education park.


The entrances to the three major schools and the auditorium are placed in glass components, which are sandwiched between the bronze strips. Due to the contrast in the use of materials and their transparency, they are inviting. The building section, containing two special schools, has two entrances on the park side. The park forms a gap between the educational building and the sports complex, where it also connects to the sports fields and green Reestdal. The strip theme continued in the uplifted sports complex, including bicycle parking and part of the parking.

Although the schools operate independently with their own theory classrooms and learning plazas, they are interconnected by shared, strategically placed practical classrooms. The technology classrooms are located on the new Dahliastraat, so that students can showcase their activities. The consumer-oriented training rooms are located on a terrace in the park. From the perimeter, the height accent shows the theater and dance hall, or the rooms for art and music.

A building where facilities are shared by five different schools must have a clear connection layout. A centrally located waterfall staircase along voids and exciting footbridges forms a true “architectural route” through the building.

Anodized aluminum

The building has a striking appearance as it shines in various shades of bronze. Light reflects off the flat and slanted anodized aluminium cassets. The serrated aluminium sheet in the plinth forms a light belt that wraps around the building. The height accent, annex billboard, is extra striking because it is covered on two sides with colorful works of art. In the façade, only a few types of windows with deep edges were chosen that are playfully placed in the facades.

Artwork 'The Beacon of Ezinge'

The front gables of the Heart of Ezinge are enriched with an impressive glass work of art. It consists of two digital ceramic prints on glass measuring 10 x 21 and 8 x 21 meters. Art and culture are important building blocks in the educational program and the tower, which houses all creative subjects, immediately catches the eye. A perfect spot for a monumental work of art of approximately 600 square meters. The design is by Driessen + Van Deijne from Amsterdam.

Woonconcept Onroerend Goed bv
Ezingerweg 51-85, Dahliastraat 2 en 4, Ambachtsweg 2, Meppel
30.062 m²
Project status
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